Town of Clint issued the following announcement on July 13.
A Public Hearing Will Be Held And Council Will Discuss And Take Appropriate Action On The Following Agenda. The Council Reserves The Right To Retire Into Executive Session Concerning Any Of The Items Listed On The Agenda Whenever It Is Considered Necessary And Legally Justified Under The Open Meeting Act, Chapter 551, Texas Government Code.
I. Call Meeting To Order
Ii. Pledge Of Allegiance
Iii. Invocation
Iv. Roll Call; Excuse Absent Council Members
V. Approve Agenda (July 16, 2020)
Vi. Open Forum:
An open forum will be held for the purpose of allowing the public an opportunity to voice opinions regarding any issues before this Town Council. Those wishing to address the Council are asked to limit their concerns to three minutes, to allow others in the audience an opportunity to speak as well. Council is prohibited from voting on any item that is not shown on the agenda for this meeting.
IX. Agenda Items:
Council will consider and take action on the following:
Presentations: None
Old Business: Items Table From Previous Meeting:
(Recommend some items or all items be postponed to next meeting)
A. Discuss and take action regarding options to change ordinance on building regulations – Mayor Aguirre
B. Discuss and take action on proposed rental contract for Clint Community Center – Alderman David Bynum
C. Review, discuss and take action on draft Policy & Procedures Manual for the use of Maintenance Staff – Alderwoman Patsy Franco
D. Discuss and take action on proposed social media policy – Alderwoman Patsy Franco
E. Discuss and take action on the prohibited use of Town resources by staff or council for political activities – Alderwoman Patsy Franco
New Business:
A. Discuss and take action on replacement of the drain culvert on Fenter Rd. – Jerry Grijalva, General Manager Lower Valley Water District
B. Discuss and take action on moving forward with USDA Multi-Purpose Center – USDA – John Perkins
C. Discuss and take action on Resolution to approve Amendment to FY2019-2020 Town of Clint Budget – Town Accountant Dianne Johnson
D. Discuss and take action on plan for the use of the Cares Federal Funding – Alderwoman Patsy Franco
E. First reading of extension to continue Emergency Declaration of Disaster and First Reading of Ordinance to reenact and continue Ordinance No. 153 Instituting Emergency Measures due to a Public Health Emergency – Asst. City Attorney Bertha Ontiveros
F. Discuss and take action to approve Contract for Election Services for the November 3, 2020 General and Special Election, and authorize the Mayor to execute and take such actions as necessary for the conduct of the election – Town Clerk Susie Rodriguez/Asst. City Attorney – Bertha Ontiveros
G. Discuss and take action on Election Calendar and Resolution to order General Election on November 3, 2020 for electing a Mayor and two council members for two year term – Town Clerk Susie Rodriguez/Asst. City Attorney Bertha Ontiveros
H. Discuss and take action on Resolution to order Special Election on November 3, 2020 for electing one council member for remaining one year term – Town Clerk Susie Rodriguez/Asst. City Attorney Bertha Ontiveros
I. Discuss and take action on calendar for public hearing and adoption of FY2020-21 Town of Clint Budget and Tax Rate; set dates in August 2020 for Budget Workshop; August 13, 2020 for introduction of Tax Levy Ordinance; in September, 2020 for Public Hearing on Budget and adoption of Budget; in September, 2020 for Public Hearing on Tax Rate and second reading and approval of Ordinance to Levy Taxes – Town Accountant Dianne Johnson/Asst. City Attorney Bertha Ontiveros
J. Discuss and take action on scheduling date for next council meeting – Town Clerk Susie Rodriguez
K. Discuss and take action on hiring new attorney – Mayor Aguirre
Executive Session: The Town Council will retire in executive session pursuant to sections 551.071-551.076, Texas Government Code, to discuss any of the following:
X. Executive Session:
XI. Adjournment:
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Town of Clint will provide for reasonable accommodation for persons attending meetings. Requests for auxiliary aids and services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting by calling the City Clerk at (915) 851-3146
Original source can be found here.